On Career Longevity and Tom Cruise

1 minute read

The noted European politics commentator Niccolo Soldo recently shared a real gem of a forum post - pictured below - that provides a spirited defense on the unassailability of Tom Cruise’s status as this era’s preeminent Hollywood leading man.1


With his unchanging and almost-unaged face continuing to dominate one sheets in a landscape of passing faces, temporary fads, and stamina-lacking upstarts, Cruise seems to be the immovable object personified. 2

For those of us focused on building things, it is a pleasure to admire the work of those in other industries. For me, Cruise’s commitment to continued excellence is much appreciated.

It is nice knowing there is someone out there who refuses to rest on their laurels, who insists on unceasingly refining their art. Over a 39 year film career, Cruise has cranked out 45 films - most as leading man - in what I imagine is the pursuit of perfection.

Thank you, Tom Cruise.


1. “[A] skin stretched over ambition” is a delightful turn of phrase that served as the inspiration for writing this.

2. Alternatively - In the Glanton Gang that is Hollywood’s cinematic juggernaut, Tom Cruise is undoubtedly its Judge Holden. Ageless and a force of nature more than anything else, his singular philosophy expressed by the ceaseless execution of his craft characterizes him above all else.